On-Page Optimization for SEO

Ranking in Google mainly depends upon on-page optimization and off-page optimization techniques. On-page optimization are search engine optimization techniques that are applied to the web page, which you are trying to get ranked in the search engines.

The on-page optimization techniques are essential for the natural ranking in the search engines. The most important on-page optimization technique include content optimization, using keywords in page title and meta tags, using H1, H2, alt tags and SEO making friendly file names.

Content Optimization
Optimizing your website content is one of the major factors of on-page optimization. You need to research the right keywords and key phrases and use them in your page’s text naturally.

From search engine’s perspective, it is important to repeat the same keywords but from users’ point of view it’s not a good idea to use the same keywords again and again so you need to keep balance in both.

Page Title
Page title appears at the top of your browser and it is also displayed as the title of your website in the SERPs. You need to use the targeted and relevant keywords in your pages’ titles. Make sure that you are using unique titles throughout your website.

Meta Tags (Description and Keywords)
These days the Meta tags are not as important as they were in the past because people started to spam them. But they are still used by some search engines. You need to provide the exact page description in the description tag and highly relevant keywords in the keywords tag.

Use Sitemaps
Google suggest using sitemap.html and sitemap.xml. A sitemap provides the exact description of your web pages.

Search engines give much importance to the headlines especially between H1 and H3. You need to make the appropriate headings in your web pages by using the heading tags.

Image ALT Tags
Rename your image with your keyword using the ALT image tag. Search engines only recognize your images if you use Image ALT tags.

Inner Linking
You need to make a hierarchical structure of your website and put your main pages’ links on your home page.

URL Naming Convention
Using keywords in your URLs make them friendlier to the search engines and your website drive more traffic from search engines.